Are there materials that will help me best use IBM SPSS Statistics?
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Are there materials that will help me best use IBM SPSS Statistics?


Installation documentation for this version of IBM® SPSS® Statistics is on the installation flash drive. Click on Documentation and navigate to Installation Documents.

IBM Installation Documents

Additional Help documentation is available from within SPSS®:

SPSS® Help Tutorial
For a comprehensive overview of the basics, see the online tutorial. From any IBM® SPSS® Statistics menu choose Help > Tutorial. 

IBM Help Tutorial

IBM Tutorial

Statistics Coach

The Statistics Coach can help you get started by prompting you with questions, nontechnical language, and examples to help you select the basic statistical and charting features suited for your data.

To use the Statistics Coach, choose Help, then Statistics Coach from the menus.

IBM Stats Coach

IBM Statistics Coach

For installation and other technical support questions, visit IBM’s FAQs and Knowledge Base for students.

Sage has a selection of titles for purchase that are devoted to the use of SPSS®. Visit for more information.

In addition, your school’s library and IT department may provide SPSS® resources and tutorials. 
