How do I set up my eBook account?
FAQs  >>  How do I set up my eBook account?
How do I set up my eBook account?


After going to the site listed in your slimpack, you will click on the “Sign In” or “Sign Up” links on the first page. Follow the steps below depending on whether you are a new or returning Bookshelf user.

If you already have a Bookshelf account:

IEB Bookshelf Sign In

  • Redeem the access code printed on your slimpack by navigating to Manage >> Redeem using the upper right navigation.

IEB Redeem

  • Enter the redeem code in the window and the book will appear within your Bookshelf account. 

IEB Code to Redeem

To return to this book, return to the url printed in your slimpack or sign in at

If you need to Sign Up for a Bookshelf account:

  • Click on the Sign Up link and complete the registration steps. 

IEB Bookshelf Register

  • Redeem the access code printed on your slimpack by navigating to Manage >> Redeem using the upper right navigation.

IEB Redeem

  • Enter the redeem code in the window and the book will appear within your Bookshelf account. 

IEB Code to Redeem

To return to this book, return to the url printed in your slimpack or sign in at
