Safari is automatically unzipping the coursepack I downloaded
Solutions  >>  Safari is automatically unzipping the coursepack I downloaded
Safari automatically unzips the courespack I downloaded, preventing me from importing into my LMS.


By default, zip files that you download with Safari are automatically unzipped. This can cause problems if you are downloading a .zip file for import into an LMS. The easiest solution is to download the coursepack in a different browser, Chrome or Firefox. 

You can also change a setting to prevent Safari from automatically unzipping the file:

  1. Open Safari
  2. From the Safari menu, select Preferences
  3. On the General tab, find the “Open Safe Files After Downloading” feature (usually at the bottom).
  4. Uncheck the box to prevent .zip files from opening automatically.
  5. Once you have disabled the feature, download the .zip file again and it will remain intact without opening.

Call or submit a new incident if you continue to have issues:

1 (800) 818-7243 ext. 7080 [toll free] / 1 (805) 410-7080 [direct]
